Malik Watson

Designer from Portland, OR. Work includes Graphic Design, Fashion Design, and Art & Creative Direction. > More About Me


04 Eon
DOC 234—34/2

Work: Branding + Design + Concept  Location: Portland, Oregon

Date: 2023

For this project, I was assigned the task of creating a brand for a fictional Restaurant. This involved designing the logo, brand assets, merchandise, and other deliverables.

Eon is a fictional Resturant and Cafe located in Boulder Colorado. This resturant is designed to be a fusion of modern design and rugged mountain aesthetics. Eon attempts to seamlessly integrates sleek, contemporary elements with the natural beauty of the Rockie Mountains. Eon’s modern approach redefines the typical rocky Mountain cafe aesthetic, offering patrons a refreshing experience.

Project for DES225 Class (Portland State University)

‘i go far’